Friday 3 December 2021

Questions To Ask Before Hiring The Family Law Firm?

Most people feel that they can hire anyone to help them with the cases like property division. However, this cannot be more misleading. Getting property of family after divorce is not as easy as it looks like and you need an experienced lawyer to help you through the process. But before hiring any lawyer here are some important questions which must be asked by client:

1)Will your firm handle every aspect of my case from start to finish?

If Lawyer say NO then stay away from him because when the best Family Law Firms In Delhi  handles everything from start to finish means they have enough knowledge about different aspects of law in Family Court proceedings.

2) Can I access all correspondence sent between myself and this firm?

In most cases, people fail in getting full disclosure in every case which is a very important part of building a strong legal argument. In many cases it is difficult to be cost effective when you have to rely on another party for information. When your law firm will readily provide you all emails, letters or other documents it will help you save money and build a stronger legal case.

3) Can I meet with the lawyer who will provide me full service?

Most of the people want to meet with the lawyer before hiring them but they end up hiring lawyers by just sending few email messages or phone calls. It is always advisable that before starting any divorce proceedings, one must hire an attorney after meeting him in person because if anyone can properly explain about different kinds of family court issues, trial procedures and what are the chances of win.

4) Can this firm provide me a free consultation or at least a written fee agreement?

Before hiring any lawyer one must sign an agreement which states the fees, process and provides information related to case. It is very important that lawyers can communicate clearly about case details and their strategies for winning the cases. If these things are not discussed with you during initial meeting then stay away from such law firms because it will affect your case in future. A good Law firm will never make you feel like they are doing you a favour by taking your case on Contingency fee percentage basis; rather they will make sure that their client understand all legal issues and can afford the services as per their means.

5) Does your law firm prepare all court papers?

Many people feel that they don't need to hire an attorney when there is not much work involved in case. However, you must understand that if any mistake is made in filing papers it can lead to denial of claims and increase your legal expenses because you will be forced to file petitions again. Most law firms prepare all the necessary documents by hiring paralegal or other staff members but some prefer doing everything themselves which means they are experienced enough in family law proceedings.

6) Can I get updates on my case via email messages/letters?

 Communication is very important between lawyer and client during proceedings especially when one has to provide additional information like financial statements or medical reports. If your Law firm doesn't communicate with you then how do you expect that they can win your case? If you want to save money then at least try to get updates without any trouble by signing up for email messages or letters so you don't have to call them all time.

7) Can I hire this firm if their fees are too high/low compared with other lawyers in the market?

You must understand that it is not necessary that less qualified lawyer will charge very low fees while more experienced one will charge higher rates. The main thing is how much work they put in your case and final result for which you are hiring them. However, if someone can provide same legal services which are available at lower rate then definitely go for such law firms because there may be some hidden charges which might affect your finances when you win your case.

8) What experience do they have in my kind of case?

A good Family Law Firms in Delhi will understand the emotional and mental stress a client is going through because of divorce proceedings which means they will try to resolve all issues as soon as possible. It is advisable that you must hire those lawyers who have at least 5+ years of experience in winning similar cases as yours because then you can be assured that you don't need to worry about losing your case.

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